Previous Card XF96-0005 GCon - Church Of The Red Museum, Delta Glen WI.

Church Of The Red Museum, Delta Glen WI.

Demonstration Bureau File Number: XF96-0005 GCon
Edition: Gen Con
Rarity: Demonstration
Suit: Site
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Site, Multi, Affiliation, Method, Subterfuge, Medical
Prerequisite: Subterfuge 5+ or Medical 5+
Question: You may ask one Affiliation question or one Method question.
Cost: 1 RP
Episode: Red Museum (2X10) - Season 2
Quote: "Today we bear witness to three that do not believe. We encourage them to open their hearts and minds to our teachings, that they who slaughter the flesh, slaughter their own souls and must be taught the way." - Richard Odin
Alternates: XF96-0070v1, XF97-0070v2
  • Gen Con '96
